2 Middle School "B" Match Openings (Teams Needed)
Coach GeiszDublin Karrer Middle School has an opening in two"B" wrestling events for the 2012 - 2013 season.
Saturday, December 15th: Golden Shamrock Rumble "B"Tournament
This is tournament is for "B" level and beginning wrestlers. "A"level wrestlers are not permitted. We are looking for one more team who canbring a full B-Team lineup or close to a full lineup. The tournament is eightteams with two pools of four wrestlers. Each wrestler should get five matchesif the weight class is full. The goal is to get the matches for the"B" and inexperienced wrestlers before the holiday break.
Friday, January 11th "B" Quad:
This is a quad for "B" level wrestlers. Current teams includeMarysville, Hilliard Heritage, and Dublin Karrer. We are looking for one moreteam with a full lineup to join us on Friday the 11th.
Please contact Coach Mike Geisz at [email protected]if you are interested. You can also call 614.403.9208 -
Coach GeiszTTT:laugh: