
NWCA all-star classic on at 7pm tonight - BTN

  • said_aouita
    FYI - NWCA all-star classic is on Big Ten Network tonight. Starts 7pm.
  • FXSTC12
    Tried to tape the all-star matches the other night, and my Sony DVD/VCR recorder kicked the disk out with a "copyrighted material" message. What's all that about? Now we can't tape sporting events? I was PISSED.

    I encourage eveyone to take just a couple seconds and let BTN know how much you appreciate their including more wrestling in their programing scheduling. (even if they won't let you tape it!)
  • cruiser_96
    Does anybody out there know how television ratings work? Is it per household or per unit?

    I only ask because I have 2.5 TVs in my house. If and when these things are on, I can turn them all on and it will be like three units instead of one household... if it works like that!
  • Joe Daugherty
    It went well. I thought that Lance dominated all the way and then ...... I hate when that happens. There were a ton of close matches and then there were a couple of not so close. Great wrestling all the same. Thanks for the listing!