
Bishop Ready Summer Camp

  • Fat Head
    TBishop Ready Wrestling Program 707 Salisbury Drive
    Columbus, Ohio 43204
    Preparing for the Podium
    Summer Folkstyle Camp
    Cost: $80.00 pre-registration $90.00 late registration
    Contact Information:
    Mike Hall 614-570-5856
    [email protected]
    Or Bill Stover
    [email protected]
    Name ____________________________________
    Address __________________________________
    City ________________ State ____ Zip ________
    Phone #1 ________________________________
    Phone #2 ________________________________
    E-mail ___________________________________
    Parent’s Name _____________________________
    Grade _______ Age _______ Weight _______
    I agree to hold harmless, staff, property owners, Bishop Ready, and coaches, from and against any injuries sustained by the wrestler. The understanding hereby releases, waives, and forever discharges the parties mentioned above from and against any and all claims, injuries, demands, actions, or cause of actions arising out of the participation by the wrestler in the Bishop Ready Training Camps.
    I authorize the camp staff to act in my behalf regarding any situation requiring discipline or medical attention.
    My child is physically fit to participate in this camp, according to his family doctor. I understand no refunds are available after registration.
    _______________________________ ________ Signature of parent/guardian Date
    Please E-mail or call Mike Hall @ [email protected]
    Or E-mail Bill Stover @ [email protected]
    for further information!
    ’82 ‘90
    ’77 ’83 ’86 ’88 ‘91
    Bishop Ready
    High School
    Folkstyle Wrestling Camp
    Tuesday June 5 - Friday June 8
    from 5:30pm - 8:00pm