OCC Realignment Question
RedRaider2009I have always been under the assumption that the OCC is structured based on school size. That is why there is realignment every two years. I was reading a dispatch article about football adding a division and there was a break down of central Ohio schools and male enrollment. The numbers do not match the occ realignment for next year. Is location part of the consideration for realignment?
Gahanna 880
Grove City 763
Groveport 697
Lancaster 651
Newark 586
Pickerington Central 653
Pickerington North 720
Reynoldsburg 712
Central Crossing 636
Dublin Coffman 735
Hilliard Davidson 708
Marysville 620
Olentangy Liberty 580
Thomas Worthington 587
Upper Arlington 685
Westland 620
Dublin Jerome 495
Dublin Scioto 498
Hilliard Bradley 570
Hilliard Darby 581
Westerville Central 590
Westerville North 581
Westerville South 549
Worthington Kilbourne 489
Big Walnut 365
Delaware Hayes 550
Franklin Heights 423
Mount Vernon 490
New Albany 457
Olentangy 495
Olentangy Orange 499
Watkins Memorial 483
If divisions were based solely on enrollment the OCC would look like the following:
Gahanna 880
Grove City 763
Dublin Coffman 735
Hilliard Davidson 708
Groveport 697
Pickerington North 720
Reynoldsburg 712
Upper Arlington 685
Pickerington Central 653
Lancaster 651
Central Crossing 636
Marysville 620
Westerville Central 590
Thomas Worthington 587
Westland 620
Olentangy Liberty 580
Dublin Jerome 495
Dublin Scioto 498
Hilliard Bradley 570
Hilliard Darby 581
Westerville North 581
Westerville South 549
Delaware Hayes550
Worthington Kilbourne 489
Big Walnut 365
Franklin Heights 423
Mount Vernon 490
New Albany 457
Olentangy 495
Olentangy Orange 499
Watkins Memorial 483 -
zambrownI thought the last time the re-alligned that they were trying to do more geographically in terms of not as much travel involved. I could be completely off base on that, but I thought that's why the three school suburbs were lumped together like all three Westervilles, two of the Olentangys, etc.