
Teaching/Coaching Positions at Marysville

  • monarchpride
    the following teaching positions were posted or will be posted at Marysville, we are always looking for High School and Middle school coahes as well. If intereseted please fill out the online application here
    and contact Shawn Andrews [email protected]
    High School Integrated Math Teacher
    High School Integrated Science Teacher
    High School Integrated Social Studies Teacher

    High School Latin Teacher (1/2 Position)

    High School Guidance Counselor
    Middle School Science Teacher
    Intermediate Teacher (Grades 5 and 6)
    Elementary Teachers
    Elementary Music Teacher
    Intervention Specialist – Mild/Moderate
  • bw133
    Are elementary jobs regularly open in Marysville? Curious for a couple years down the road. Would love to teach and coach on the side!

    -Andrew Taylor
  • monarchpride
    you never know Andrew, but wehn you graduate make sure you get me your resume, also if you end up back in Columbus needing a place to student teach let me know, that i a great way to get your foot in the door somewhere