
Darby District Sectional Breakdowns

  • booboo
    I was curious so I broke down the numbers from each sectional. It seems to align with the perceived strength of sectionals going into districts. Comments? Thoughts?

    District Place Marysville (112 total wrestlers in sectional) Westland (129) P. Central (119) Watkins (127)
    1st 4 placers 2 placers 5 placers 3 placers
    2nd 5 1 4 4
    3rd 4 5 4 1
    4th 5 2 3 4
    5th 2 3 5 4
    6th 2 3 3 6
    Total 22 total; 18 in top four spots 16 with 10 in top four 24; 16 in top four 22; 12 in top four
  • Dad4Sports
    Thanks the numbers
  • USMCdevil2005
    Great stuff
  • cruiser_96
    I planned to do this, but thanks for doing it! I, too, love numbers!

    ps: thanks for the PM
  • cruiser_96
    For the last 3 years, a buddy and I have tracked the semifinal losers in there next match.

    2009: 16-12
    2010: 15-13
    2011: 12-12 (I'm pretty sure these three are what we found.)

    2012: 19-9
