Northmor Spring Tournament
BuckSnortNorthmor Spring Wrestling TournamentSATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2012Doubleelimination! You do not need an AAU nora USAcard to enter this tournament.Division: Grade: Weights:
A 6 - 8 80-90-100-110-120-130-140-150-160-HWT
B 9 - 12 105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175-185-215-HWT
C Open 129-139-149-159-169-179-199-219-HWT
Entryfee: $10.00 if pre-registered by March7, 2012 or $15.00 day of tournament. Make checks payable to Northmor Athletic Dept. and send to Scott Carr atNorthmor High School, 7819 State Route 19; Galion, Ohio 44833. School phone (419)946-3946.
Awards: T-Shirt forfirst place, Medals for second and third place.
Times: Weigh-ins run from 7:30-9:00. Wrestling starts at 10:00 am on 5 mats. We move fast!The matches are two periods (two minutes each) with modified high school rules.
Directions:If you are looking at a map of Ohio,you will find Galion halfway between Mansfield and Marion. Northmor High is about 9 miles south ofGalion on the corner of County Road 29 and State Route 19.
Admission: $3.00 for all spectators. Please, no food in gym. Our cafeteria will be open.
School________________________________Record__________Division(circle one) A - B - C
Inconsideration of your acceptance of my entry, I, intending to be legally boundhereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and releasethe Northmor Board of Education, Northmor High School, Northmor AthleticBoosters Club, committees, and officials from any and all claims of rights todamages for injuries or losses suffered by me, directly or indirectly, intraining for, traveling to or from, or competing in, or attending the saidWrestling Tournament.
_______________________________ ________________________________________
Parent or legal guardian mustsign here Contestant must sign here
Head_KnightAnyone planning to come to the Northmor Spring Tournament??? Trying to build some numbers...
Westie101west will more than likely bring a group of 3-5.
GUNNER 14How many do you have so far i think clear fork will bring some
Head_KnightI am getting some pre registration forms in... I hope to see a GREAT turn-out this Saturday...
Head_KnightGetting a lot of questions about this tournament... Hope to see you all Saturday morning...
Head_KnightSchools that will be at the Northmor Spring Tournament(already turned forms in, or told me they would be here)
Mt. Gilead
Bishop Ready
Independence, Ky.
Lexington -
Eagle WatcherWhere can i get a flier for the tournament?
Head_KnightAt the top of this page... If you can't find it, let me know and I will send you an email...
Head_KnightMt. Vernon now has a few signed up...
bribacker51Hamilton township has some coming.
BFaustLex will have a few for sure, maybe even an old
Head_KnightCan't wait to see old man Faust in a singlet!!!
Head_KnightKilbourne now has an athlete entered...
DirtyscrambleIm bored, any guys in the open?
iGranbyYeah, any in open 159 or 169?
DirtyscrambleIm gonna wrestle old bald man faust
Eagle Watcherany big names show up today and was there alot of wrestlers
Head_KnightWe had moderate numbers, but we had quality... 10 2012 State qualifiers plus a number of former SQ's wrestled in the open...
Beck- Northmor
Just to name a few... Looking to build numbers for next year...