Social Media Marketing and HS wrestling post-season, good match???
monarchprideI was talking (actually e-mailing) with one of our estemed message board leaders, you may know him simply as cruiser about the following idea.
do you know what #marysvillesectional means? If so that means you are on twitter, does it make sense to creat a hashtag for the sectionals/district tournament? then anyone in the stands can update, take pictrues etc. of what is going on at each sectional.
I guess it isn't that much different that logging on to the chatter and doing so. I just thougth I would put it out there to see what people think.
I know in my mind there are several postives and almost as many negatives. I would like to see what the rest of you think. Post it here or ..... #sectionaltweets? -
cruiser_96Admittedly, I don't know how to use the hastag! Heck!!! I can't even spell hash tag!!!
I hear Mike & Mike say it all the time. I assume it's a way to organize/link/follow/join/relate all related tags???
So if I post Laney (GM) WBF Niemann (Thompson High) 1:16 #PickCentralSectional and then continue to post updates with that same hash tag, I'll create a running list???
I miss my SONY Walkman.
But I'll try it... -
cruiser_96Yes. It turns out I was correct. Did I mention iPhones are sweet?
See you on Twitter, tweety! -
monarchprideYeah it took a while for me to figure the # thing out but now that I do wow, when you want 20 min. of your life you can't get back check out #wreslerproblems hilarious!!!
nykc#ohsectionals or #ohwrestling you don't need to put the word tweets at the end.
I think it is a great idea and I will be at the Marysville sectionals so I can try and send a few updates as well. Great way to see what is going on and this is something that should be done all year. for duals and tournaments. Maybe even create an #OhioChatter hash tag or whatever. Forums are too hard to follow for updates and kills your battery when trying to find stuff online, whereas twitter the app makes it easy to follow and fast... -
monarchprideI was thinking the following # would make sense
for the state tournment maybe
#centralohwretlers or something along these lines
I was also thinking something on the cover of the braket sheet ie #marysvillesectional so anyone who bought a braket might post to the same # -
Bitterrunner-upI feel old.
cruiser_96This will only heighten my relationship with that one lady... Mother of my children... Wife... Oh yes, Mrs. Cruiser_96!!! Eek!
My calendar says Feb. 14th for Valentine's Day... But I love Feb. 24 & 25!!!
Perhaps I'll buy her some tickets to this event! Yes... I shall. #InTheDogHouse -
I think this is a cool idea. The wrestlers could also tweet as the day goes on, might be interesting to see what they say...monarchpride;1077003 wrote:I was thinking the following # would make sense
for the state tournment maybe
#centralohwretlers or something along these lines
I was also thinking something on the cover of the bracket sheet ie #marysvillesectional so anyone who bought a braket might post to the same # -
exactly!nykc;1076989 wrote:#ohsectionals or #ohwrestling you don't need to put the word tweets at the end.
Forums are too hard to follow for updates and kills your battery when trying to find stuff online, whereas twitter the app makes it easy to follow and fast... -
I'm with you, Bitter!Bitterrunner-up;1077024 wrote:I feel old. -
monarchprideif you intended to or not some of you made some of the points i was concerned about.
Wrestlers might be more likley to post (is this a negative? I don't know I lean towards negative)
Using a platform some people don't understand or care to learn. Here is the thing, I teach 8th grade science, I try every year to stay as current with technology as I can b/c I know that no matter what I know how to do, half of my students already know how to do it and are more effiecint with it.
All that being said I used to mock facebook and twitter, and now I drink the kool-aid. I can't make it to all of the OSU or KSU matches, but I sure like following the results in real time. -
booboomonarchpride;1077118 wrote:if you intended to or not some of you made some of the points i was concerned about.
Wrestlers might be more likely to post (is this a negative? I don't know I lean towards negative)
Using a platform some people don't understand or care to learn. Here is the thing, I teach 8th grade science, I try every year to stay as current with technology as I can b/c I know that no matter what I know how to do, half of my students already know how to do it and are more efficient with it.
All that being said I used to mock facebook and twitter, and now I drink the kool-aid. I can't make it to all of the OSU or KSU matches, but I sure like following the results in real time.
I agree that there are always positives and negatives. One of the thoughts that popped in to my head when I read this post was that if you only have half the kids in your classes being more efficient with technology than you, you are way ahead of the game. The other thought is that way back when, I too taught 8th grade science and I found that when the tables were turned and kids were able to teach their parents something, it brought them together in different ways. Maybe kids will see the # and maybe a parent will ask what it's about...who knows what can happen from there.
Of course, this all hinges on people buying the bracket sheets/programs. Maybe it could be put on team websites if coaches/boosters are interested. Many of the teams already have FB pages or dedicated booster run websites in addition to school websites. If the schools have rules about links to their websites, the booster/parent driven ones would be a good alternative.
I should quit thinking now, I feel a headache coming on -
Pompero FirpoIs someone serving kool-aid and hash?
iGranbyWell, Watkins Highschool do I put this..sort of a dead zone, when it comes to cell phone service, so, tweets from #WatkinsSectional may be a tad scarce..although, I'm sure between the masterful minds of Coaches Harris, Ball, and Spires, they'll figure something out.
iGranbyand of course, we must come up with a hash tag for our central ohio guys at THE ohsaa state tournament!
said_aouitaOnce in a blue moon I'll stalk magicman & his friends on twitter but for the most part (99.9999999978% percent of the time) I could care less.
The2cKDudePhone service may be bad at Watkins, but wireless isn't... I'll try to keep dates coming one way or another...
ptown3Me and cruiser have the #pickcentralsectional covered, but the 3G is terrible, gonna kill my battery.
cruiser_96I'll bring a charger.