Thursday night Thunder in the OCC for January 26?
Old 118 lbrDublin Coffman 36, Hilliard Darby 24.
106: *Valenti(HD) MD 15-4 Wegly (DC)
113: *Valenti (HD) TF 21-15 Renner (DC)
120: *Mullucey (DC) dec 2-0 Perkins (HD)
126: *Murdock (DC) dec 10-3 Donatelli (HD)
132: *Schulze (DC) F 2:37 Black (HD)
138: *Donatelli (HD) *MD 14-6 *Renner (DC)
145: *Cline (DC) *F 4:58 **Radcliff (HD)
152: *McCourt (DC) F :44 *Serra (HD)
160: *Wooden (DC) *dec *10-6 Walker (HD)
170: *Parker (HD) *dec *6-5 Armengau (DC)
182: *Bowens (HD) *F *:23 *Miller (DC)
195: *Muncrief (DC) *F 1:23 Bonn (HD)
220: *Miller (HD) *dec 9-6*Yeack *(DC)
285: *Young (DC) *dec OT 5-3 Barker (HD) -
playground legendLancaster 44, Pick North 23. Should be noted lancaster won 10 of the 14 matches. Lost 106, 113 (Spearman wrestled 120), 195 and hwy.
double unders 90Big wins for both Rine of Marysville and Young of Olentangy