
2lbs christmas allowance

  • wrestle2016
    If I certified at 113 and have been wrestling at 120 for the past couple tournaments what happens if I dont wrestle 113 till after the new year? can I still wrestle 113 at state? well 113 plus the added 2 for growth? please help me understand this.....:thumbup:
  • I Wear Pants
    I forget what the exact rule is but you are either fine since you certified at 113 or you might have to make weight at scratch 113 after the new year. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I remember somethng about that though it's been 4 years since I've had to think about it.
  • 1_beast
    If you certified, and actually competed/took a forfeit @ scratch are fine. You had to compete at scratch 113. If you did this, you are cleared for the 2lb Christmas Gift. Otherwise, you must compete at least once at scratch 113.
  • Con_Alma
    like 1_beats said, one time, just one time you must make scratch. It doesn't matter when you do it.
  • wrestle2016
    so you can make scratch after christmas and get the 2 lbs? say wrestle at a dual in january and get the 2lbs needed for state?
  • Con_Alma
    You don't get the 2 lbs until you make scratch.

    If you make scratch at a dual in January you then get the 2 pounds the next time you wrestle at that matter when that is...even at the Sectional tournament.
  • 1_beast
    wrestle2016;1017026 wrote:so you can make scratch after christmas and get the 2 lbs? say wrestle at a dual in january and get the 2lbs needed for state?
    you must make scratch....and compete at that weight...ONCE.....At that point, the next time you take the mat, you will be alotted the 2 lb gift!
  • Refman
      1. The OHSAA Weight Monitoring Program includes growth allowance. A two pound growth allowance will be given on December 25.
      2. Growth allowance may not be utilized to achieve a lower minimum weight for a wrestler.
      3. In order to utilize the growth allowance, a wrestler shall compete at “scratch” (lowest allowable) weight in the desired weight class at least once prior to using the two pound growth allowance.
  • gome
    Does this apply to Middle School as well?
  • 1_beast