
JV Wrestling & Middle School Wrestling Coach Needed!

  • sports_fan64

    Johnstown-Monroe has the following positions available. Interested candidates should submit a resume to Athletic Director, Nick McIlwain at [email protected] or 740-967-2721 ext. 3202.
    Application Deadline: January 20, 2012

    It is starting to get very desperate. There is talk of canceling the middle school season if they can find a coach soon. If anyone is interested or you know anyone that might be interested please call the AD.

  • Knight rider
    What happened to the one they had last year?
  • Go4alOngbOmB
    Yes, what happened, I am an ex wrestling coach, high school. If the position is'nt filled Id be more than glad to help out. No kids should be robbed of a great sport like this.