
Coventry vs Crestwood tonight

  • firestonefan
    Coventry/Crestwood/Field/Norton wrestlers to watch. We will be broadcasting live at
    We have been having server problems. If it crashes tonight, the matches will be put up ASAP. Wrestling starts at 5:30.

    SQ=State Qualifier DQ =District Qualifier

    This match starts at 5:30 with Coventry vs Crestwood and Field vs Norton followed by Coventry vs Field and Crestwood vs Norton

    Here's a quick preview of the matches going on and who I have at the weights right now. This being a PTC dual and the Coventry/Crestwood match up probably deciding the dual meet championship, there may be some switching of weights during the meet.

    Coventry vs Crestwood

    106-Jake Zemaitis (CW) vs Skipper (C) Zemaitis is coming of a dominating 1st place finish at Aurora. I look for a pin CW 6 C-0
    113-Conner Nemec (CW) vs Michael Fagan (C) Fagan is a returning DQ, but state qualifier Nemec will be too much. Bonus points and a possible pin, but I'll go with a major CW-10 C-0
    120- ?? (CW) vs Austin Shields (C) Shields was a DQ last season while Crestwood did not have a wrestler at this weight at Aurora. I'll assume no wrestler for the Devils but they may have someone here CW-10 C-6
    126-Tom Dunkin (CW) vs Jesse Gunter (C) While Dunkin is not an easy win, I look for a fall by Gunter CW-10 C-12
    132-Dylan Kager (CW) vs Lake (C) State Qualifier Kager gets a fall here CW-16 C-12
    138-Nick Fejedelem (CW) vs Zak Cropper (C) Fejedelem is a returning SQ vs a 2x DQ. I look for a close decision by Fejedelem. CW-19-C-12

    Coventry always uses multiple wrestlers in the middle weights so I am just guessing this early in the season. I have a feeling Coach Shinn will pull a few surprises tonight. Jeff Mongold may be at any of the next 4 weights.

    145-Cody Campbell (CW) vs Zak Hartley (C) Hartley is a returning DQ. Hartley by fall. CW-19 C-18
    152-Garrett Gerardi (CW) vs Roberts (C) I'll go with a dec by Gerardi, who can finally get into the lineup with the graduation of the tough Crestwood wrestlers from the last couple of years. CW-22 C-18
    160-Rick Kollman (CW) vs Brandon Rang (C) Kollman comes in highly touted. I look for bonus from Rang. I'll go with a major. CW-22 C-24
    170-Sean Keefe (CW) vs Minich (Co) This could be the match that wins this dual for either team. I go with the senior Keefe in a dec. CW-25 C-24
    182-Kenn Jackson (CW) vs Dylan Ethington (C) Another tossup match. I go with Jackson in a dec. CW-28 C-24
    195-James Testa (CW) vs Dillon Headrick (C) Look for a fall by Headrick CW-28 C-30
    220-Justin Goss (CW) vs Fry (Co) Goss had a rough weekend at Aurora. I look for him to rebound with a decision here. CW-31 C-30
    285-Doug Battiest (CW) vs Travis Gosnell (Co) I look for a fall by Gosnell CW-31 C-36

    There are some returning wrestler from both teams that may make there debuts this week. Weatherbee (CW), Meckley, Sharp and Chenot (C). If they do wrestle it could make this preview moot, but this is what I have right now. Looks like a great dual meet.

    Running out of time;
    Some of the good matches in the Field/Coventry matches could be

    126-Mayfield (F) vs Gunter (C). Gunter won 2-0 at the PTC tourney last year.

    TJ Fox will be at 145 or 152. Best wrestler in the PTC!!

    Looks like Fleming (A highly touted transfer) will be at 132 for the Falcons and Ladich at 138.
    Logan Lott is at 113 and Jimmy Kubitska at 120. Tough lineup for the Field, but no upper weights will hurt them in duals.

    Good Luck to all wrestlers!!
  • firestonefan
    More later!

    Crestwood 42 Coventry 26

    Field 35 Coventry 28

    Many good matches.
  • Gardens35
    You going to the Hephner?
  • firestonefan
    It's in my plans right now. I usually make it at least one day.

    The Crestwood/Coventry matches are online now


  • firestonefan
    Crestwood 41, Coventry 26
    106: Zemaitis (Cr) p. Skipper 4:48 113: Nemec (Cr) m.d. Fagan 11-1. 120: Shields (Co) m.d. Kulla 11-1. 126: Gunter (Co) m.d. Dunkin 19-6. 132: J.Hillier (Cr) d. Badaluco 10-6. 138: Kager (Cr) p. Lake 1:28. 145: Fejedelem (Cr) d. Cropper 7-2. 152: Rang (Co) p. Gerardi :56. 160: Keefe (Cr) t.f. Mongold 17-1. 170: Kollman (Cr) d. Minich 8-4. 182: Headrick (Co) p. Cox 1:15. 195: Jackson (Cr) p. Ethington 1:58. 220: Goss (Cr) p. Fry 1:47. Hvy: Gossnell (Co) p. Battiest :27.

    Crestwood 53, Norton 21
    106: Zemaitis (C) t.f. Ritzman 16-1. 113: Nemec (C) p. Zupancic 2:46. 120: Beddow (N) d. Kulla 11-4. 126: Smith (N) p. Dunkin 5:22. 132: Kager (C) p. Clapper :55. 138: Fejedelem (C) p. Farmer 4:51. 145: L.Hillier (C) p. Sparks 5:45. 152: Gerardi (C) p. Nenez 1:13. 160: Keefe (C) d. Dyer 18-16. 170: Kollman (C) p. Brown :32. 182: Jackson (C) d. Rutherford 3-1. 195: Zielinski (C) by ff. 220: Haramis (N) p. Goss 5:31. Hvy: Glas (N) p. Battiest :24.