
Crestview Duals!

  • falcon81
    There is always some Great match-ups at this tournament!
    What are some this year?
    Some of Waynedales line up Match ups for Crestview.
    120 Zack Nelson
    132 Bradley Wardell
    138 Zane Nelson
    145 Dakota Stanley
    152 Jarod Orr
    160 Brendan Stanley
    171 Zeb Beam
    182 Josh Strasbaugh
    195 Mark Gingerich
    Hvy David Wellman
    * other 3 weights are up to wrestle offs.
    Waynedale won this last year in a crazy loud finals match with Crestview! The Fickle/Dillion match was the best!
  • falcon81
    Fickle /Music/ Nelson Matches(138)??? Nelson /Dillion again(126)? Any other good ones? Possible projected state champ matches. Crestview does a great job getting a good mix at this event. Any other potential big matches?
  • falcon81
    Has this been canceled? LOL.. See ya there!
  • CoachT
    The new tourney director emailed me what he has so far...looks like Fickel is at 132 but Padua has Fasnacht(sp?) a SQ at 138. Music is 145. He wont do the seeds & match-ups until tomorrow...a couple teams were late submitting rosters.
    Miami Trace
    Seneca East
    New London
  • boro fan
    Batdorf vs. Nelson at 138?
    Montgomery vs. Beam or Strausbaugh, depends where Montgomery is (170 or 182)
    Music vs D.Stanley? Solid D3 match but Music should win easily
  • boro fan
    Damian Showman (Seneca East) is a returning State Placer ([EMAIL="8th@112"]8th@112[/EMAIL]), interesting to see if he is at 113,120 or 126. Him and Nelson could be a decent match...
  • 1_beast
    Good Luck Waynedale Golden Bears! The Journey begins!
  • Jmar25
    I predict ref's screwing this thing up
  • Red Rum
    Any results?

    Any great matches?

    Any upsets?

  • falcon81
    Padua beat Waynedale in Finals. Two big match ups were Zack Nelson Vs 2 year JR High undeafeted Keminski, 12-3 final. Big match of the night Two projected state champs Zane Nelson vs Brent Fickle, going into 2nd period 0-0 Zane gets caught in the Fickle Cradle. Great match , Brent gets The OW. Sat with Mr Fickle, great wrestling people! Mr Fickle has wrote for many of the national wrestling magazine. Ashland is picking up a quality kid in Fickle, Brents a great kid finishing 3rd, 4th, and 3rd and I think he will finish up with a 1st this year. Padua has Zanes number losing to Romanchik last year at Crestview 3-2. Zeb Beam no real tests , gets OW for heavy weights looking very dominate. Brendan Stanley 5-0 also looked very solid! The 126 forfeit(12 point swing) hurts Waynedale in a dual like this against a full and solid D-2 program. Last year Waynedale wins 36-35 against Padua. I said it at the beginning of year Waynedale has a Great Tournament team not quite as strong in straight duals. Zane on a side note had a 4 second and 5 second pin to add to his quick pin collection. STaggs will being filling that 126 spot come January, That will help. Wyatt Music looked very solid as did Garrett Montgomery. The Garrett / Beam match would have been good to see.
  • boro fan
    What weight was Showman at?
  • falcon81
    boro fan;1001032 wrote:What weight was Showman at?
    120 but they didn't send him out against Waynedale and wrestled him at 126 for the forfeit instead of wrestling Zack at 120. That was a little disapointing. Anyone know how the Showman/Keminski match went at 120?
  • CoachT
    I just checked the bout sheets,Showman didnt wrestle against Padua.
  • boro fan
    falcon81;1001136 wrote:120 but they didn't send him out against Waynedale and wrestled him at 126 for the forfeit instead of wrestling Zack at 120. That was a little disapointing. Anyone know how the Showman/Keminski match went at 120?
    I don't think the match would of been close, probably a major, something like 12-4. Heard Zach pushed Kaminski around all match and didn't let Kaminski do anything, he said he didn't have any time to think. (HAHA)