
Central Ohio Open Mats: July Edition, hosted by Groveport Madison

  • ptown3
    alot of lighter guys?
  • cruiser_96
    A lot of everything. And remember... If you BRING someone around your weight, you are guaranteed a workout! But my guess is that there will be a group of 115# guys.
  • wildcats1984
    Cruiser....we will try to come see you in August...........been wrestling hard since March so we thought it would not be be a bad idea to get some tough conditioning in with the soccer team.....runs about 5 miles a day along with tough soccer field time.....we still are doing at least a couple of open mats a week plus it looks like Westerville Clinics are pretty sharp....

    I think we even play Groveport...:) Go Cats.....
  • cruiser_96
    Awesome! Hope to see you at Westerville Central one weekend.

    ps: Go CRUISERS!!! ;)
  • ptown3
    might be a dumb question but is it at the same location since its august now?
  • cruiser_96
    Not dumb at all. But I have NO IDEA where the August edition is being held. I do know one thing... It is NOT being held at the Port.

  • bw133
    I'll miss you cruiser
  • cruiser_96
    I have your CONQUEST shirt. I might be up there to WK next Tuesday.
  • bw133
    Won't you have open mats?
  • cruiser_96
    Yeah. But I have your shirt. And I want you to have it before you head back to BW. I'll let Jake and Josh know I'll be up there.
  • bw133
    you are the man cruiser, many thanks! hopefully you like what you see in worthington!!
  • cruiser_96
    Not a chance I make it up. I'm going to have to figure out my next night off, tell you, then meet you three..........

    Idea: what if I treat you guys to dinner some night somewhere out there? That sounds like a plan. We'll do wings. When are you leaving for the BW?
  • ptown3
    open mats at groveport tomorow?
  • cruiser_96
    Darn skippy, ptown3.
  • ptown3
    alright, they will be some pick central boys up there