
The "TRIP" will be on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011... Enter and respond.

  • Bitterrunner-up
    You can make it to Solon by 6:00 leaving at 4:18?
  • cruiser_96
    Heck no. But the good news is we don't have to. We have to make it there by 6:30pm... When the open mats begin! ;)

    My map shows 123 miles... Roughly two hours. Just sayin'.
  • cruiser_96
    cruiser_96;760446 wrote:bitter: Yes Open mat will take place on the 17th, then the trip will occur on the 18th.

    wildcats: We use Quaker Steak and Lube on I-71, north of I-270, in the Polaris area, as a rendezvous point, meeting there at 4:15pm, departing at 4:30pm. We then return (roughly) around 10:42pm that night.

    Let me know if you'd like in. It is certainly a great time.

    Here is what I put on the first page. If everyone can get there by 4:15pm, we'll leave shortly thereafter. The sooner we hit the road, the better off we are.
  • cruiser_96
    Oh, and for you southerners, we can meet at Groveport Madison High School at around 3:20pm. That should give us enough time to travel up to Polaris and meet everybody else. See everybody then!
  • Bitterrunner-up
    4:15 is great. I should be able to make it there by then. I'm still in.
  • cruiser_96
    Whew! I'll have the DVD player.
  • cruiser_96
    01. TheMightyCruiser (check)
    02. OPEN
    03. Zach Brown (check)
    04. Jake Donatelli (check)
    05. bw133 (over 18)
    06. westie101 (over 18)
    07. wildcats1984 (check)
    08. upset_125 (over 18)
    09. Chris Mullucey (send waivers)
    10. Ryan Murdocki (send waivers) (coming on Monday, good sir)
    11. Andrew Higgins (over 18)
    12. Jason Maynard (over 18)
    13. TD Gantner (check)
    14. Luke Nace (check)
    15. Cole Nace... (check)

    One spot left. Someone claim it!
  • Gardens35
    cruiser_96;769118 wrote:01. TheMightyCruiser (check)
    02. bitterrunner-up (check)
    03. Zach Brown (check)
    04. Jake Donatelli (check)
    05. bw133 (over 18)
    06. westie101 (over 18)
    07. wildcats1984 (check)
    08. upset_125 (over 18)
    09. Chris Mullucey (send waivers)
    10. Ryan Murdocki (send waivers) (coming on Monday, good sir)
    11. Andrew Higgins (over 18)
    12. Jason Maynard (over 18)
    13. TD Gantner (check)
    14. Luke Nace (check)
    15. Cole Nace... (check)

    Trip full. Zero vacancy.

    ...and Cruiser 96 says "I got a me a Chrysler, it sits about twenty". Verification here...
  • Gardens35
    cruiser_96;769118 wrote:01. TheMightyCruiser (check)
    02. bitterrunner-up (check)
    03. Zach Brown (check)
    04. Jake Donatelli (check)
    05. bw133 (over 18)
    06. westie101 (over 18)
    07. wildcats1984 (check)
    08. upset_125 (over 18)
    09. Chris Mullucey (send waivers)
    10. Ryan Murdocki (send waivers) (coming on Monday, good sir)
    11. Andrew Higgins (over 18)
    12. Jason Maynard (over 18)
    13. TD Gantner (check)
    14. Luke Nace (check)
    15. Cole Nace... (check)

    Trip full. Zero vacancy.

    Bitter calls "Shotty!"
  • cruiser_96
    So come on, and bring your juke box money!!!
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Cruiser...I just PMed you.
  • cruiser_96
    got that... kinda busy... but TOTALLY understand.

    My fear is the loss of mojo. whether you know it or not, agree or not, you bring the mojo. Look for changes to be made up top.
  • upset_125
    I call shotgun!
  • Gardens35
    upset_125;769709 wrote:I call shotgun!

    Do it!
  • Gant
    i just got my waiver i wont be able to make it to groveport tonight for the open mats but i will have it signed to turn in tomorrow when we leave for solon.
  • cruiser_96
    Awesome, Gant! See you then.

    ...remember... wear something that represents your school! :D
  • cruiser_96
    01. TheMightyCruiser (check)
    02. Devon Booth (check)
    03. Zach Brown (check)
    04. Jake Donatelli (check)
    05. bw133 (over 18)
    06. westie101 (over 18)
    07. wildcats1984 (check)
    08. upset_125 (over 18)
    09. Chris Mullucey (check)
    10. Ryan Murdocki (check)
    11. Andrew Higgins (over 18)
    12. Jason Maynard (over 18)
    13. TD Gantner (check)
    14. Luke Nace (check)
    15. Cole Nace... (check)

    No Vacancies...
  • Westie101
    so....wendy's on the way back, right?
  • bw133
    Bummer bitter
  • cruiser_96
    I hate... HATE ... fast food.

    But yeah, sure!
  • JonAlder
    We're (A few Alder wrestlers) are gonna follow you guys up tonight. Do we need a waiver if we're 18 or over?
  • cruiser_96
    No need for a waiver if you are over 18.

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring it on, Pioneers! :D :D :D

    4:15pm, Quaker Steak and Lube in Polaris.

    Awesome, awesome, awesome!
  • cruiser_96
    Go time.
  • Westie101
    i demand video...tonight!
  • upset_125
    The Solon open mat was a great turnout. There were some funny antics on the ride down that will forever be remembered. Who planning the next trip?.....Bitterrunner-up?......