
Calling all Central Ohio Coaches and Wrestlers

  • huntergreen26
    It would be nice to have one sight, but it is also nice to give different areas of the chance to save a little gas. We have talked about doing it at a centrally located school, but so far there is not a good place to hold it. I know there have been talks with tOSU about it, however, this may not be legal for the Buckeyes.
  • funkem123
    We definitely need to keep these open mats at Hilliard Bradley, the room was great and it's only getting better. No need to change locations
  • lennyrox55
    With gas prices being so high you need a centralized place or they need moved around.
  • ksig489
    I would be inclined to keep a good thing going.

    I mentioned before that a few of us tried something similar a few years ago, we had a central site, as well as a site at each of the 4 compass points around central Ohio and were going to have each site open on 1 day of the week. Unfortunately, 10 other schools ran open mats and most kids stayed close to home and pretty much ruined the whole plan.

    If Bradley has figured out a way to keep the numbers up...let it happen. No one else should have open mats on that night, dont worry about rotating it because it may affect the numbers...just let it go and get bigger.

    Maybe with one place having that kind of success, we can eventually add another site on a different night that will get the same results. It would be great to have 3 sites a week with 60-70 kids.
  • cruiser_96
    Consider me the little guy in a big family if you want but, the Port calls Tuesday nights!!!!!!!!
  • wildcats1984
    I mentioned before that everything is trial and error....maybe the kids should sign in when they arrive and see where they are coming from.....if these kids are more north and west side then either the mats need to move monthly or a second one is started on the other side ot town....Once this is all figured out.....maybe the Port should be the second site......its on the southeast side that cuts travel time down for a lot of people.....and bottom line is nobody knows more about central ohio wrestling then cruiser....who better to make it happen....
  • ksig489
    Licking Heights could host a night...we are due East. We typically havent hosted just because there are so many schools that host and compete for kids that I always felt like 6 kids at our place was a waste of time when those 6 kids could go somewhere else that had 30 kids. We have a huge room with 4 full mats in a square. If there was enough interest, we could open up a day.
  • Bitterrunner-up
    ksig489;736092 wrote:I would be inclined to keep a good thing going.

    I mentioned before that a few of us tried something similar a few years ago, we had a central site, as well as a site at each of the 4 compass points around central Ohio and were going to have each site open on 1 day of the week. Unfortunately, 10 other schools ran open mats and most kids stayed close to home and pretty much ruined the whole plan.

    If Bradley has figured out a way to keep the numbers up...let it happen. No one else should have open mats on that night, dont worry about rotating it because it may affect the numbers...just let it go and get bigger.

    Maybe with one place having that kind of success, we can eventually add another site on a different night that will get the same results. It would be great to have 3 sites a week with 60-70 kids.

    I totally agree. It seems for some reason, Central Ohio is reluctant to come together for open mats. They sabotoge eachother by scheduling their open mats on the same night. Take Sundays, for example. Dublin, West Jeff and Ready all run a Sunday room (there may be others, those three just jump out at me). All three are on the West Side, all three I'm sure will run great room and none are likley to change and send their kids to one of the other's room. On on any given Sunday you'll have 20-30 wrestlers at each open mat instead of 90 in one place taking advantage of the numbers and competition.

    My only prerequisite for running an open mat on a large scale is that you have the square footage to handle it if it gets as big as we all want it to be. Rooms like Bradley (all of the Hilliards really), Hamilton Twp., Licking Hts, Big Walnut come to mind, but I'm sure there are many, many others that have the space to run a good, big open mat.

    As far as people complanining about the distance because of gas prices or just convenience, people come from all over the greater Cleveland area, Akon and even Canton to attend Solon's open mat. I used to pack my car full of underclassmen and take the 45-minute hike up 271 every Wednesday. We were all better for it. It was better than any camp or club I was ever a part of. Three or four kids in the car, everybody throw in a couple of bucks for gas and we're off. Half-an-hour in a car is a small price to pay for a great night of wrestling.
  • cruiser_96
    "footage". But agreed.

    I'll ask this... What if we try this rotation system, and it works?
  • Bitterrunner-up
    What's wrong with "fottage"?

    If the rotation system works, then I guess I'm all for it. But if you can get great numbers at three or four different sites, then I'd much rather see them be on different days.
  • wildcats1984
    I think everybody wants whats best here for the wrestlers...otherwise you would not too many people talking.....a central location seems to be a key but just not avail at this time....again it is the first year so give it some will work out..

    I guess the question I have though is how many kids show up at Solons opens seems to be what we are looking to mirror in central mats last 1.5 hours.....if this grows into 120 kids is 1.5 hours enough time to serve justice for these kids who show up.....I am thinking this is why camps form and limit the amount of kids.....quality compared to quantity......this is where more than one open "central ohio" mat comes in to play.....its run by the same people but gives the wrestlers options of where to go..

    The central ohio mats is a great idea and needs to have controlled growth with outlets to hande the growth......

    Just one of many thoughts brought to the table by many.....
  • cruiser_96
    Bitterrunner-up;736161 wrote:What's wrong with "fottage"?

    If the rotation system works, then I guess I'm all for it. But if you can get great numbers at three or four different sites, then I'd much rather see them be on different days.


    ps: I'll be sure to mention fottage to the friends coming over to lay our flooring! Let's see how it goes...
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Wildcats...Solon's open mats are huge. I've been there with 200 wrestlers. It looks more like a large scrimmage than an open mat. Also, Solon doesn't run anything really. When I run an open mat down here, I always run a clock and there's some structure to it. 20 minute drill, takedown groups, top/bottom/out, maybe a couple matches at the end. Solon provides the space, but that's it. Tony D. will say a little something at the begining (probably asking if everyone has signed the waiver) and then they just get after it. No structure, no clock, no whistle, nothing. The wrestlers that go there are all pretty serious about their training, so they just partner up and drill for a little bit and then they just form groups and start wrestling live.

    Someone mentioned Licking Hts. I'd love to see them and Hamilton Twp get a huge following because those are the only rooms I know of in Central Ohio that could handle an open mat the size and scope of Solon. The problem is, neither of those schools are "centrally located" and I just don't see Central Ohio wrestlers traveling in mass to those two sites.
  • wildcats1984
    understood.....thanks for the explanation....
  • cruiser_96
    wildcats1984: You were posting with post #36 while I was typing. What you explain is the cycle that could/(dare I say) will happen... and I agree.

    It (a travel or stationary open mat) will go great for about 2, 3 or 4 summers. Grow by leaps and bounds, I tell ya. Then, a coach with very good numbers (and this could end up being me so I'm not thinking I'm above anybody) will get the bright idea, "Hey, why would I travel 15 or 20 minutes to have my 12 kids in this room? We'll just hold it in ours!"

    I'll say this... When we started ours back in 2004, I don't remember anyone having them. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I do what we have now is something I want to keep going AND improve on.

    As far as mimicking the Solon gig... One thing has to occur if it is going to be even close: College kids. Period. That Solon room was littered with them.
  • bribacker51
    Bitterrunner-up;736189 wrote:Wildcats...Solon's open mats are huge. I've been there with 200 wrestlers. It looks more like a large scrimmage than an open mat. Also, Solon doesn't run anything really. When I run an open mat down here, I always run a clock and there's some structure to it. 20 minute drill, takedown groups, top/bottom/out, maybe a couple matches at the end. Solon provides the space, but that's it. Tony D. will say a little something at the begining (probably asking if everyone has signed the waiver) and then they just get after it. No structure, no clock, no whistle, nothing. The wrestlers that go there are all pretty serious about their training, so they just partner up and drill for a little bit and then they just form groups and start wrestling live.

    Someone mentioned Licking Hts. I'd love to see them and Hamilton Twp get a huge following because those are the only rooms I know of in Central Ohio that could handle an open mat the size and scope of Solon. The problem is, neither of those schools are "centrally located" and I just don't see Central Ohio wrestlers traveling in mass to those two sites.
    I am sure I could get Hamiltons room on Mondays if people would come then you could go Sun. - Wed. in very good rooms Sun.Ready Mon. Hamilton Tue. Groveport Wed. Central District could be great if coachs work toward getting kids to show up.

    And at no cost free! (other than gas) Still a great deal.
  • Bitterrunner-up
    bribacker...We're on the same page, but I don't think we can get the kind of buy-in I'm looking for.
  • bw133
    College 101
  • bribacker51
    Bitterrunner-up;736343 wrote:bribacker...We're on the same page, but I don't think we can get the kind of buy-in I'm looking for.
    But man could it be nice! It comes down to some kids say they want to be Champions and some Work to be Champions!
  • bigdogdad
    A pie in the sky thought. If someone has some ties to a local university or two that would be ideal. Just think if Otterbein, Capital, OWU, or ODU were willing to give up some space for a night. That could be a college recruiting bonus for them. None of these have collegiate wrestling programs so no violation. That time of the night none of the rec areas are likely being used. Don't know potential legality issues. Just a thought.
  • cruiser_96
    bigdogdad;737930 wrote:A pie in the sky thought. If someone has some ties to a local university or two that would be ideal. Just think if Otterbein, Capital, OWU, or ODU were willing to give up some space for a night. That could be a college recruiting bonus for them. None of these have collegiate wrestling programs so no violation. That time of the night none of the rec areas are likely being used. Don't know potential legality issues. Just a thought.

    Hmmmm... I like it. I'm wondering what one of them might say in terms of injuries... That might be the only hang up.

    Also, if I'm going to boycott Nike for Oregon not having a wrestling program, how do I justify going to an open mat at a school that does not have a wrestling program. Hmmm...

    I like the idea though.
  • ksig489
    And where will the mats come from for these colleges? Are high schools going to transport them every week? Will they charge money for use of facilities?

    I think the big HS rooms are the best answer. Getting college kids there is difficult around here simply due to the lack of college programs in central Ohio. Maybe over the summer when guys are back from school, but right now you just wont see many.

    What about some kind of big event? Maybe a June open mat at a local HS with a few door prizes? Is that legal? Get some places to donate things like an Ipad, XBox, laptop...have a big prize and a few small ones. Every kid who shows up signs in and gets their name in a drawing for the prizes. Have that be a kick-off for open mats the rest of the year. I think all you will need to do is get the kids there once and most will keep coming back. Maybe you hold off on the drawing and say that any kid who is there 8 of 12 weeks from May-July gets their name in the drawing.
  • cruiser_96
    ksig: Giving stuff away is a regular at the Port. Last week, I was supposed to have a contest but forgot. So, it turns in to a contest for this week. I guess that's what happens when my ADD kicks... hey, what time is it. I love chocolate. How old was George Washington... Why does my ear hurt. See you soon!
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Cruiser...I thought on days that you forget to hand out prizes, they automatically go to a state runner-up who is angry and disgruntled about a loss from two decades ago. I heart T-shirts.

    Ksig...With the size of rooms like Hamilton Twp and Licking Hts, there's no reason to use a university. the problem is getting kids in mass at those locations.
  • bigdogdad
    My only point was the University's are somewhat centralized and easy to get to. Something the three or four schools mentioned are not. As Hunter mentioned early on, too bad that place down on Lane Ave. doesn't have a way to use a facility. We know C-bus doesn't have anything. They keep closing facilities. Good point though on the mat's. If they don't have programs, very doubtful they have mat's. I guess scratch that idea. Just trying to think outside the box.

    Maybe you rotate the sites until you see a pattern of participation and take the next step to decide on one or a few.