
state finals D2 152

  • Moparman
    Definteley a questionable call. But in my opinion I think Ian Miller is the better wrestler and probably wins this match 4 out of 5 times. And that's coming from someone who enjoys watching Graham compete.
  • mrtinkertrain
    Con_Alma;709011 wrote:It appears as if both officials agreed on the call. The interior official after he made the call asked the exterior and you can see him nod his head and say yes.

    On another note that interior official is one of the finest in the State. It might be interesting to hear his explanation.

    The only thing his explanation needs to include is the following words. " I'm sorry Ian, I blew the call"
  • VinceD
    Following the match I turned to some fellow Buckeye Alumni Wrestlers and said "well that call can propel Ian to be a 3 time NCAA AA". Just remember how Dustin Kilgore was robbed and is now a NCAA Semifinalist.
  • clickclickboom
    where is the controversy in the video? idk where to look
  • clickclickboom
    oh there it is.. i wish i knew wrestling well enough to agree or disagree with the call, but it looked alot like the rest of the match where no points were given.. I played soccer with Ian a lot of years back and was upset to see him lose