Northmor Spring Wrestling Tournament
Double elimination! You do not need an AAU nor a USA card to enter this tournament.
Division: Grade: Weights:
A 6 - 8 80-90-100-110-120-130-140-150-160-HWT
B 9 - 12 105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175-185-215-HWT
C Open 129-139-149-159-169-179-199-219-HWT
Entry fee: $10.00 if pre-registered by March 10, 2011 or $15.00 day of tournament. Make checks payable to Northmor Athletic Dept. and send to Scott Carr at Northmor High School, 5353 County Road 29, Galion, Ohio 44833. School phone (419)946-3946.
Awards: T-Shirt for first place, Medals for second and third place.
Times: Weigh-ins run from 7:30-9:00. Wrestling starts at 10:00 am on 5 mats. We move fast! The matches are two periods (two minutes each) with modified high school rules.
Directions: If you are looking at a map of Ohio, you will find Galion halfway between Mansfield and Marion. Northmor High is about 9 miles south of Galion on County Road 29 which is just off State Route 19.
Admission: $3.00 for all spectators. Please, no food in gym. Our cafeteria will be open.
Name_________________________________________Grade_____Weight Class___________
School________________________________Record__________Division (circle one) A - B - C
In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I, intending to be legally bound hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release the Northmor Board of Education, Northmor High School, Northmor Athletic Boosters Club, committees, and officials from any and all claims of rights to damages for injuries or losses suffered by me, directly or indirectly, in training for, traveling to or from, or competing in, or attending the said Wrestling Tournament.
_______________________________ ________________________________________
Parent or legal guardian must sign here Contestant must sign here