
D3 Columbus Dispatch Central District Coaches Poll - 2/7/11

  • Dad4Sports
    Posted 2/7/11 on Dispatch sports blog......

    Division III
    Top teams: 1. West Jefferson, 2. Northmor, 3. Amanda-Clearcreek, 4. Utica, 5. Ready, 6. Centerburg, 7. River Valley, 8. Pleasant, 9. Northridge, 10. Heath.

    Top individuals:

    103: 1. Fields (Pleasant), 2. Smith (Ready), 3. Crabtree (River Valley)
    112: 1. Branham (West Jefferson), 2. Hall (Ready), 3. Edwards (River Valley)
    119: 1. Heminger (Northmor), 2. G.Feucht (West Jefferson), 3. Alexander (Pleasant)
    125: 1. Ankrom (Bloom-Carroll), 2. Dilts (Fredericktown), 3. Dilley (Amanda-Clearcreek)
    130: 1. Reichle (West Jefferson), 2. Carroll (Northmor), 3. McCoy (Pleasant)
    135: 1. Williams (Northridge), 2. Ratcliff (West Jefferson), 3. Baldridge (Northmor)
    140: 1. Alexander (Centerburg), 2. Corns (Amanda-Clearcreek), 3. Harper (West Jefferson)
    145: 1. Cummins (Cardington), 2. Tate (Ready), 3. Pinkstock (Amanda-Clearcreek)
    152: 1. Barlow (Heath), 2. Peters (Northmor), 3. Thompson (North Union)
    160: 1. Prather (West Jefferson), 2. Robinson (Heath), 3. Tipton (Amanda-Clearcreek)
    171: 1. Langermeier (West Jefferson), 2. Beck (Northmor), 3. Minnard (Amanda-Clearcreek)
    189: 1. Fultz (West Jefferson), 2. Chenetski (Amanda-Clearcreek), 3. McGuire (Fredericktown)
    215: 1. Drumm (Heath), 2. Satterthwaite (Grandview), 3. Cooper (Ready)
    HVY: 1. Stewart (Utica), 2. Turner (Amanda-Clearcreek), 3. Sisson (Pleasant).
  • 6 minutes
    Reichle going 130?
  • Slide Bye
    Reichle will be dropping down to 125.
  • 6 minutes
    Figured that
  • rassler
    Not sure I quite understand that move. Drop down so you can see Stephen Myers at state and Adam Ankrom at the districts? Is 130 that tough?
  • capthook
    williams is #130 not #135