
Ready Winter Classic Dec 29/30

  • USMCdevil05
    Good job Whitehall! I though ready would win this.
  • lowsingle174
    Whitehall looked really good the last two days. Solid team from top to bottom.
    Congrats to Chad Jones of Marion Franklin winning the 140lb weight class.
    It was nice to see Mifflin Scoring some points as well this year. Good Job.
    Ready is going to be scary in a few years. Dare I say ready might look scary in a few months, they are tough. Mike Hall For President....
  • 6 minutes
    Ready starts 7 Freshman!
  • USMCdevil05
    yea coach vg is doing a heck of a job!
  • lowsingle174
    Ready starting 7 freshman is exactly what is SCARY!
  • USMCdevil05
    yea thy are very young and should be very good in years to come.