
Middle School Team Looking For Matches

  • Jack Adkins
    Northridge Middle School has some points to use and would like to see what's available. If anyone has some openings for duals/tri's or tourneys please leave me some info. We are located in central Ohio between Columbus and Newark. Coach Adkins.
  • rugbywrestler
    What city or school district are you located in?
  • Jack Adkins
    Located in the Northridge School District, Just north of Johnstown Ohio.
  • bbtwrw
    liberty union has openings this weekend( 12-12-10) for our home MS tourney. had some teams drop out due to scheduling conflicts. can accomodate 3 more teams. contact coach alford- email [email protected] or coach bressler- [email protected]. tourney WILL run efficiently
  • bbtwrw
    coach adkins, i just left a message with you high shool AD. coach bressler
  • bbtwrw
    oops, LU's tourney is this SATURDAY (12-11-10)
  • the_hammer
    January 29 NC Junior High is hosting a tournament and you are welcome to get in contact me at [email protected] if you want in and I can make sure we get you a spot