Middle School Team Looking For Matches
Jack AdkinsNorthridge Middle School has some points to use and would like to see what's available. If anyone has some openings for duals/tri's or tourneys please leave me some info. We are located in central Ohio between Columbus and Newark. Coach Adkins.
rugbywrestlerWhat city or school district are you located in?
Jack AdkinsLocated in the Northridge School District, Just north of Johnstown Ohio.
bbtwrwliberty union has openings this weekend( 12-12-10) for our home MS tourney. had some teams drop out due to scheduling conflicts. can accomodate 3 more teams. contact coach alford- email [email protected] or coach bressler- [email protected]. tourney WILL run efficiently
bbtwrwcoach adkins, i just left a message with you high shool AD. coach bressler
bbtwrwoops, LU's tourney is this SATURDAY (12-11-10)
the_hammerJanuary 29 NC Junior High is hosting a tournament and you are welcome to get in contact me at [email protected] if you want in and I can make sure we get you a spot