
Circleville Kiwanis Invitational Dec. 5

  • pioneersfan
    Whos going to be there, probable match-ups? etc.?
  • oldschoollion123
    The old roundtown Classic

    1.Washington C.H.
    3.Logan Elm
    5. Bellefontaine
    9.Liberty Union
    10.Zane Trace

    Should be a good tournament with good match-ups at each weight except 103. I imagine many wrestlers will be competing up a weight class since most have just finished certification.
  • pioneersfan
    Zane Trace is in there this year and I heard stories that Fairfield isnt coing back, but everyone knows how stories go ;)
  • maddog54
    Chillicothe is still in
  • oldschoollion123
    152 could be interesting if Weston DAvis is there from ZT, Ben Parks WCH, Otero from Circleville, and Silvers from London
  • pioneersfan
    oldschoollion123 wrote: 152 could be interesting if Weston DAvis is there from ZT, Ben Parks WCH, Otero from Circleville, and Silvers from London
    Cant forget Laux from LE. Should be some good matches at 152
  • oldschoollion123
    pioneersfan wrote:
    oldschoollion123 wrote: 152 could be interesting if Weston DAvis is there from ZT, Ben Parks WCH, Otero from Circleville, and Silvers from London
    Cant forget Laux from LE. Should be some good matches at 152

    That def. makes for 1 tough weight class You have a SQ in Davis, and 2 DQ and a Sect. placer. Wellston has a kid around this weight also that was a DQ that is returning.
  • pioneersfan
    Anothony Fleming i do believe. Sounds like a loaded weight class to me. lets just see how the Alphas let them wrestle this week. I wonder how soon we could get roosters up on here...
  • FIREBALL5152
    I look for Davis to take this one.
  • Hangem08
    Yeah, Davis is one mean brawler with a great scramble. I see him taking this one too.
  • maddog54
    When is the seed meeting?
  • oldschoollion123
    Seed meeting tommorrow night 7:00pm the coach from Zane Trace is purchase BW'3 wings for all.
  • pioneersfan
    Anyone have rosters yet?

    112 Wisenberger (So)
    119 J.Wilson (Fr)
    130 J. Wilson (Jr) 2x DQ at 119
    135 Speakman (So)
    140 M. Boedeker (Sr) DQ at 130
    145 Patrick (Sr) DQ at 140
    152 Davis (Sr) SQ at 145
    160 M. Boedeker (Sr)
    171 Penn (Sr) 2x DQ at 160/171
    189 Stonerock (Sr) DQ at 215
    215 Flint (Sr) DQ at 189
    HWT Greenwalt (Fr) JH SQ
  • oldschoollion123
    112 Trigg Fr. JH SQ
    119 Davis Soph Sect. Placer
    125 Dicamillo Soph.
    130 Huffman Soph.
    135 Morgan Fr.
    140 VanDyke Fr. J.H. SQ
    145 Enochs Soph.
    152 Parks Jr. DQ
    160 Wilson Jr. DQ
    171 Gryniuk Jr. SA
    189 S.Shaw Jr. SQ
    215 R.Shaw Jr. SQ
    HWT Lindsey Soph.
  • ztcoach
    hang on there oldschool...if anyone is buying its gotta be you!
  • Pete4HOF
    Any information on the seeding for tomorrow yet?
  • oldschoollion123
    Top 4 Teams
    1.London 191
    2.Washington C.H. 156
    3.Circleville 151?
    4.Zane Trace

    MVW Weston Davis Zane Trace 152
    Most Pins Least Amount of Time Riley Shaw Washington C.H.

    Washington C.H Champions
    130 Caleb Huffman
    171 Paul Gryniuk
    189 Spencer Shaw
    215 Riley Shaw

    Runner-up Kole Trigg 112
    4th Dicamillo 125
    4th Van Dyke 140

    Good Job Blue
  • theshark130
    oldschool you mean london/central crossing won
    wch had 151 and circleville 145 zt 133
  • Pete4HOF
    theshark130 wrote: oldschool you mean london/central crossing won
    wch had 151 and circleville 145 zt 133
  • Pete4HOF
    Old School - Thanks for always posting results. Sometimes it's the only way to find out!

    Shark - That line is old and pointless. Those kids are Red Raiders and one team.
    Congrats to London for a great tournament.
  • theshark130
    Pete4HOF wrote: Old School - Thanks for always posting results. Sometimes it's the only way to find out!

    Shark - That line is old and pointless. Those kids are Red Raiders and one team.
    Congrats to London for a great tournament.
    you are right they are. And they sure be proud of what they did with only ten weight class. It was meant as a joke to a few people. They have a great team. The scol will be tough this year with london,wch,miami trace,and massie all having outstanding teams, not to mention the rest always having good kids.
  • theshark130
    I will try to post full results later. Even as tourny director I had to give them to our head coach for the paper.
  • oldschoollion123
    Here are incomplete results I could have some wrong, I am relaxing today so you won't get much from me.

    Carey CH

    Maurice BF
    Trigg WCH
    Garcia Cir

    Thompson Lond

    Perez Lond
    Liberty Union
    Greenlee Cir
    Dicamillo WCH

    Huffman WCH
    Wilson ZT

    Colvin Lond

    Santos Lond

    Speakman ZT
    VanDyke WCH

    Laux LE
    Weekly Cir

    Davis ZT
    Griffin Cir

    Otero Cir
    Silvers Lond

    Gryniuk WCH
    Cambell CH

    S.Shaw WCH
    Carius Lond

    R.Shaw WCH

    Demick CH
    Schramm Lond
  • raiderrooter
    Congrats to the London Red Raiders. It's their FIRST Tourney win under Coach Kennedy. Don't let up now!
  • Firad
    Congrats Blue Lion Champions and placers.

    Any reason Parks didn't wrestle?