
Bishop Ready Open Mats

  • headlock165
    Ready will continue running open mats for four more Sundays. The remaining dates are Oct. 3, Oct. 10, Oct. 17, and Oct. 24. All ages are welcomed. Don't miss your opportunity to gain some valuable mat time heading into this season. Open mats begin at 6 p.m. and end just before 7:30. See everyone Sunday.

    Ready High School is located at 707 Salisbury Road Columbus 43204
  • headlock165
    See everyone this Sunday at 6 p.m.
  • headlock165
    Season is right around the corner. Looking forward to a motivated group this Sunday. Doors will open at 5:30 with wrestling beginning at 6:00 p.m.
  • snatchsingle22
    Is it still Going? last week there were only five kids there
  • zambrown
    There was a bigger group last night (16ish) of light to middle weights all going hard.
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Zambrown...Are you guys headed out to Ready next Sunday? If so, I'll try to make it up.
  • headlock165
    Good room last night. It was nice to see a lot wrestlers came out of hiding. Let's keep it going. Just three more Sunday open mats at Ready until spring.

    *Due to Homecoming activities, this week's open mats (Oct. 10) will be moved up TWO hours to a 4:00 p.m. start time. Hopefully this won't inconvenience too many. Please help me get the word out. Thanks.


    Oct. 10 - 4 pm (due to Homecoming activities)
    Oct. 17 - 6 pm
    Oct. 24 - 6 pm
  • zambrown
    Bitter, we're actually going up to Cardington next Sunday. There's a wrestler up there who we've known for years who needs a good workout partner and asked if Zach would come up. We should be at Ready the last two weeks, though. We'd love to see you - I hear there's a lot less of you these days... ;-)
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Yeah, I'm sure Zach will toss me around in my fragile state. I'll make sure to be at Ready those last two weeks. Look forward to seeing you both.
  • cruiser_96
    I'm half the man I used to be... Half the man!!! :D
  • zambrown
    We look forward to it, too, Bitter!
  • headlock165
    Reminder: This Sunday's open mat will begin at 4 p.m. See everyone Sunday.
  • headlock165
    Ready will be hosting just two more open mats until this Spring. Come on out this Sunday at 6 p.m. and get a good workout.

    ***Last two Ready open mats are this Sunday (Oct. 17th) and next Sunday (Oct. 24th). Both will begin at 6 p.m.
  • cruiser_96
    The season IS approaching, is it not!?!?!?!?! <ultra-excited font on> Only a couple more Sundays to attend in order to not be lying when you tell your coach you DID do off-season wrestling!!!

    Good luck, coach... See you soon!
  • Bitterrunner-up
    I haven't been out to Ready in a few weeks, I hope things are still going strong. I'll see in a bout a half hour.
  • cruiser_96
    Well, was it everything you'd hoped it would be???????
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Mr. Brown and I had a very good workout. See you tomorrow.