Sponsored by: West Holmes Athletic Boosters
Date: Saturday November 6th, 2010 Tournament of Champions Qualifier
Location: West Holmes High School
10909 State Rt. #39 Weigh-ins: Sat. Nov. 6th
Millersburg, 0. 44654 7:00-8:30a.m D1 & 2
Gym that can fit 6 full size mats 9:00-10:30a.m D3 & 4
12:00-1:30 pm D5 & 6
Entry Fee: Entry Fee $20.00
No registration day of tournament
Wrestling begins at:
DIVISION 1 & 2 10:00 a.m.
Send check and signed DIVISION 3 & 4 12:00
Registration form to: DIVISION 5 & 6 3:00
West Holmes Athletic Boosters
c/o 5630 T.R. 258
Millersburg. 0 44654
Coaches may call in weights Nov. 4th & 5th after 7:00 p.m. (330) 674-3590
Ask for Renee Woods
Admission: $3.00 adults / $2.00 students
$6.00 family
Rules-Modified High School / Three periods- Awards- Individual trophies 1st & 2nd
1 minute each / All periods start on feet. Plaques for 3rd & 4th
Pools of 4, 5 or 6 will be round robin.
Eligibility- Age as of Nov. 6th, 2010 1) NO HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES
2) BRING BIRTH CERTIFICATE in case of challenge of age.
Weight classes will be made up after registration, pool style
Division I- 6 & under Division IV- 11&12
Division II- 7&8 Division V- 13&14
Division III- 9&10 Division VI- 15&18
Tournament Directors reserve the right to combine or create new weight classes.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND WEIGH INS CONTACT: Renee Woods (330) 674-3590________________
Please Print
A DDRESS______________________________________-_______________________
City State Zip
PHONE_____________________________CLUB / TEAM_______________ Weight_____________
In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I and my legal heirs do hereby waive and
release all claims for damages or injury I may have against West Holmes High School, West Holmes
Athletic Boosters and / or tournament officials, sponsors, or administrators for any and all injuries
suffered by me in connection to said tournament.
Parent Signature Wrestlers Signature
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