2011 WHIZ Duals @ Tri-Valley HS - Jan 7-8, 2011 - Need 2 teams
ptrsnThis is the former Meadowbrook Duals. It has been renamed and relocated for next season. At Tri-Valley we will have room for 9 mats in 2 gyms which will speed up the tournament. The format of the tournament will remain the same (8 matches). 24 teams-4 pools of 6 teams (5 matches)-top 2 teams from each pool into championship bracket (3 matches), middle 2 teams from each pool into 9th-16th place bracket, bottom 2 teams in each pool into 17th-24th place bracket. We look forward to another great tournament in 2011. Email Ric Roe at [email protected] or call him at school at 740-674-7274 x1502 if you are interested in entering.
1. Meadowbrook
2. New Philadelphia
3. John Marshall
4. Hawken
5. Pymatuning Valley
6. Watkins Memorial
7. Tri-Valley
8. Harrison Central
9. Newark
10. Lakewood
11. John Glenn
12. Parkersburg South
13. Sheridan
14. Dixie
15. West Muskingum
16. Smithville
17. Utica
18. Barberton
19. Marlington
20. Caldwell
21. Central Crossing
22. Logan
24. -
ptrsnFor anyone wishing to reserve hotel rooms for the tournament, the official hotel for the tournament is:
Super 8, 2440 National Road, Zanesville, OH 43701 – Phone (740) 455-3124. Tournament rate is $40 per room. Mention Philo Wrestling when making reservations. This hotel only has basic amenities; it does not have an indoor pool or hot tub.
The secondary hotel for the tournament is:
Ramada Hotel and Conference Center, 4645 East Pike, Zanesville, OH 43701 – Phone (740) 453-0771. Tournament rate is $50 per room. Mention Philo Wrestling when making reservations. This hotel has an indoor pool, hot tub, and sauna. -
1. Meadowbrook
2. New Philadelphia
3. John Marshall
4. Hawken
5. Pymatuning Valley
6. Watkins Memorial
7. Tri-Valley
8. Harrison Central
9. Newark
10. Lakewood
11. John Glenn
12. Parkersburg South
13. Sheridan
14. Dixie
15. West Muskingum
16. Smithville
17. Utica
18. Barberton
19. Marlington
20. Caldwell
21. Central Crossing
22. Philo
23. Zanesville
24. -
cruiser_96That's a whole lot of wrestling under one roof!
1 Meadowbrook
2 New Philadelphia
3 John Marshall
4 Hawken
5 Pymatuning Valley
6 Watkins Memorial
7 Tri-Valley
8 Harrison Central
9 Newark
10 Lakewood
11 John Glenn
12 Parkersburg South
13 Sheridan
14 Dixie
15 West Muskingum
16 Smithville
17 Utica
18 Barberton
19 Marlington
20 Caldwell
21 Zanesville
22 Springboro (Blue)
23 Green
24 -
1 Meadowbrook
2 New Philadelphia
3 John Marshall
4 Hawken
5 Pymatuning Valley
6 Watkins Memorial
7 Tri-Valley
8 Harrison Central
9 Newark
10 Lakewood
11 John Glenn
12 Parkersburg South
13 Sheridan
14 Dixie
15 West Muskingum
16 Smithville
17 Utica
18 Barberton
19 Marlington
20 Caldwell
21 Zanesville
22 Springboro (Blue)
23 Green
24 Buckeye Local -
ptrsnNEED 1 TEAM
1 Meadowbrook
2 New Philadelphia
3 John Marshall
4 Hawken
5 Pymatuning Valley
6 Watkins Memorial
7 Tri-Valley
8 Harrison Central
9 Newark
10 Lakewood
11 John Glenn
12 Parkersburg South
13 Sheridan
14 Dixie
15 West Muskingum
16 Smithville
17 Utica
18 Barberton
19 Marlington
20 Caldwell
21 Zanesville
22 Springboro (Blue)
23 Green
24 -
ptrsnEverything is still on for the tournament on the original time schedule. Wrestling will start at 4 p.m. today. Weigh-ins will start at 2 p.m. Any team that may be late should call Ric Roe at 740-891-1970 when they are on their way.
pickupthepaceany updates for this yet??
The2cKDudeParkersberg South was destroying everyone yesterday. Watkins went 4-1 losing to parkersberg and beating John Glenn, Pymatuning Valley, Zanesville, and New Philadelphia. The new philly match came down to Criteria at a 39-39 tie and was won by most first takedowns scored. That's all i know so far. Alot of teams, hard to follow.
ptrsnROUND 1
79 Parkersburg South vs. Zanesville 0
81 Barberton vs. West Muskingum 0
63 John Marshall vs. Lakewood 15
77 Marlington vs. Newark 6
41 Pymatuning Valley vs. New Philadelphia 26
40 Caldwell vs. Springboro 24
48 Dixie vs. Green 18
51 Sheridan vs. Harrison Central 30
50 Watkins Memorial vs. John Glenn 28
48 Philo vs. Utica 27
58 Tri-Valley vs. Smithville 22
31 Hawken vs. Meadowbrook 41
81 Parkersburg South vs. John Glenn 0
61 Barberton vs. Utica 18
60 John Marshall vs. Smithville 9
67 Marlington vs. Meadowbrook 6
66 New Philadelphia vs. Zanesville 12
69 Springboro vs. West Muskingum 6
45 Green vs. Lakewood 24
57 Harrison Central vs. Newark 18
32 Pymatuning Valley vs. Watkins Memorial 37
34 Caldwell vs. Philo 33
39 Dixie vs. Tri-Valley 34
46 Sheridan vs. Hawken 33
63 Parkersburg South vs. Watkins Memorial 18
62 Barberton vs. Philo 15
64 John Marshall vs. Tri-Valley 16
63 Marlington vs. Hawken 9
48 New Philadelphia vs. John Glenn 27
45 Springboro vs. Utica 24
33 Green vs. Smithville 29
48 Harrison Central vs. Meadowbrook 24
78 Pymatuning Valley vs. Zanesville 6
60 Caldwell vs. West Muskingum 12
43 Dixie vs. Lakewood 25
72 Sheridan vs. Newark 6
57 Parkersburg South vs. New Philadelphia 18
64 Barberton vs. Springboro 12
65 John Marshall vs. Green 12
58 Marlington vs. Harrison Central 18
64 Pymatuning Valley vs. John Glenn 6
34 Caldwell vs. Utica 37
51 Dixie vs. Smithville 15
54 Sheridan vs. Meadowbrook 30
78 Watkins Memorial vs. Zanesville 0
72 Philo vs. West Muskingum 12
45 Tri-Valley vs. Lakewood 29
47 Hawken vs. Newark 18
63 Parkersburg South vs. Pymatuning Valley 12
50 Barberton vs. Caldwell 15
52 John Marshall vs. Dixie 15
49 Marlington vs. Sheridan 25
39 New Philadelphia vs. Watkins Memorial 40
33 Springboro vs. Philo 46
29 Green vs. Tri-Valley 52
25 Harrison Central vs. Hawken 40
60 John Glenn vs. Zanesville 18
66 Utica vs. West Muskingum 13
30 Smithville vs. Lakewood 29
57 Meadowbrook vs. Newark 15
PS 59 SH 6
CALD 13 JM 59
MAR 38 WAT 24
BAR 39 DIX 21
PS 36 JM 22
BAR 49 MAR 24
CALD 44 SH 27
DIX 47 WAT 27
1ST: PS 36 BAR 32
3RD: MAR 34 JM 30
5TH: DIX 49 CALD 24
7TH: SH 44 WAT 36
PV 46 GRE 25
SB 56 HC 22
NP 48 TV 36
MB 57 PH 21
SB 30 PV 29
NP 52 MB 24
PH 41 GRE 30
TV 45 HC 24
9TH: SB 51 NP 21
11TH: PV 44 MB 30
13TH: TV 42 PH 33
15TH: HC 39 GRE 24
UT 47 HAW 23
LW 37 JG 36
SM 42 WM 24
NEW 41 ZV 21
UT 35 LW 33
SM 36 NEW 27
HAW 31 JG 27
WM 32 ZV 30
17TH: UT 57 SM 21
19TH: LW 43 NEW 12
21ST: HAW 55 WM 6
23RD: JG 51 ZV 12