Central Crossing Open Mats
Coach RamirezTue & Thur 5p-6p
Everyone is welcome. We have a good mix in the room from experienced to not so experienced kids and from 100 to 285. We will run til the beginning of the season. Stop in and get some mat time.
Coach Ramirez -
Power halfDid central hire a new coach yet?
Coach Ramirezyes, that would be me. Jamie Ramirez. Still looking for a couple duals. We need one at home week of Feb 7-12 if any teams are interested?
cruiser_96Can you travel in December? Say, sometime during the week of the 13th through the 17th? (Nothing concrete on my end, just throwing it out there.)
Coach RamirezCruiser, I already spoke to ur brother, or maybe it was u, hard to keep up, dec is full for me, looking for something at home in feb and maybe a tri n jan?
cruiser_96That was my bro. And I just proved my absent-mindedness. He told me that about a week ago! My bad. Good luck this season. I'm sure I'll see you soon.
Coach RamirezCentral Crossing Open Mats Tue & Thur 5-6pm. Get that rust off!
Coach RamirezCome one come all, Central Crossing open mats Tue/thur 5-6. Less than 60 days til the first day of official practice! Starting to get a good room, multiple district/state qualifiers. Time to start getting after it!