Warren JFK Wrestling Question
Falcons53Based on the numbers I found on my brief internet searches, I doubt there are too many JFK posters on here for wrestling. I have a son going into 9th grade that has never wrestled before. The school he went to previously did not have it. Anyone have any info on JFK wrestling? Is the program growing? I haven't lived in the area since 1996 and do not recall them having wrestling, but I may have just not paid that much attention to the smaller schools.
Can anyone give me some insight? -
Dad4SportsLast year they only had 3 wrestlers entered in the D3 Rootstown sectional......
Falcons53That is why I wondered if the program was newer. Doesn't seem to be much interest if they only had 3 finish the season.
krazie45When I was there a few years ago the wrestling programs was stable but by no means large. Though JFK has had some talented and successful wrestlers in the past, it's not a school known for its wrestling tradition. Declining enrollment numbers haven't helped in getting large numbers for the team and many boys at JFK play football and devote their offseason to working on that instead of a winter sport like wrestling.
Gardens35'53, get me a pm