
Reece Humphrey clinic at Olentangy Liberty Tuesday May 4th

  • Shoot and Sprawl
    Reece Humphrey clinic at Olentangy Liberty Tuesday May 4th
    6:00pm to 7:30pm
    $10 payable to L.A.B.
  • cruiser_96
    Shoot and Sprawl! When you get over there, tell Mark that there is such a thing as a TIMELY warning!

    Too bad you guys are having this on a Tuesday night. 90% of the wrestling community is up at our open mats. Yep... too bad.

    And remember... If I've told you once, I've told you a million times... Don't exaggerate!

    Anyone plan on taping this!?

    I'd ask Nicola but I realize that he has a deep-seeded hatred for Reece. I think it has to do with a dream he recently had. Or it could be that I'm lying and that Nicola is the second biggest "Hump" fan there is; second only to his brother. Can anyone say, "restraining order"!?!?! I know I can.
  • knightflyer150
    Hump is my second favorite Buckeye after CoMo. Cruiser, you struggle.
  • Shoot and Sprawl
    And I was sure cruisers reply would read, "Reece who?"

    Also, I've seen what Mark could do to people on the mat, so I don't "tell" him anything. ;)
  • cruiser_96
    Doh! Shoot and Sprawl, I retract my previous post and would like to submit your suggestion as my post.

    Who is Reece Humphrey?


    As for "telling" Mark what to do... well played, sire... Well played.
  • cruiser_96
    Well... How was it!?
  • double arm bars
    Very good. We will be having another one soon.