Piggyback on your thread. Hamilton Township also has a head coach opening.
The coach that gets this job is going to be very happy with the Freshman coming in and next years freshman class. Plus they have a returning SQ. The JH team the last two years was loaded, they just seemed to underachieve at the wrong times.
They need a coach to push these young men and not take any nonsense from the parents. Hamilton Township has arguably the best facility for wrestling in Central Ohio
and maybe the state. Unfortunately it is under used and sits empty too many days out of the week.
O'Riley and Hackett would do a good job. Hammond, O'Riley and Hackett would be a shot in the arm and HT would benefit from the three of them in one room greatly!
The administration and the AD, Mr. Beggrow, I know want quality. This will be their chance to find it.
I was one of Coach Balmerts biggest supporters over his time at HT. I wish him all the best.
As I said before...This will be a windfall for the right coach in the future!
I hope they find the perfect fit.