
Looking for Duals/Super Tri's

  • Coach Geisz
    Columbus St. Charles is looking for a Dual/Super Tri on the following dates.

    Looking for a dual/tri the week of January 3rd - 7th.
    Looking for a dual/tri the week of January 24th - 29th (we are willing to travel long distance on Sat. 29th Cincy etc.)

    We field a competitive team and usually fill all weights.

    If you need a team please contact Coach Mike Geisz at [email protected]
  • ewaceo
    Have you found anyone yet?
  • Coach Geisz
    ewaceo wrote: Have you found anyone yet?
    We have the week of Jan 3rd - 7th taken care of. We are still looking for a dual/tri the week of January 24th - 29th (we are willing to travel long distance on Sat. 29th Cincy etc.)